Hi all,
We just got 25 new baby hens at my work/farm, and we're being diligent in trying to socialize them well so that they're friendly. These
chickens will be around many children (field trips) and elderly Sisters (convent), so this is a pretty important goal. We've been following the methodology found here:
http://www.backyardchickens.com/a/how-to-socialize-baby-chickens, and even though they're only about 4 days into it, they're responding well.
Except for one. Every time I put my hand down into the brooder with
feed, there is one chick who comes and persistently pecks at my freckles. Now, a lot of the chicks do this occasionally, and they quickly figure out "hey, not food, move on" so there's no problem. But one of them is *persistent*. She managed to break skin today, just out of repeated pecking and bloody-mindedness.
I'm not sure the best way to deal with this. Like I said, most of the others quickly get hip to the whole "that's not food" thing, so I'm content to let them peck a few times and then move on. I don't necessarily want to "shoo" this one off, as I'm trying to socialize them to like people and not be afraid. But I'm worried this one is taking all the wrong messages here. Advice?