Hai there! Just wanted to ask for second opinion. Anybody here ever build a bee house before? I am thinking of building one at the back of my house. Read about it. But still a bit confuse. It is advisable to build the house from breathable material. Can I use Bamboo? Or should I use real wood? A little help would be wonderful!
I think you should do your best to mimic the kind of homes nativebees in your area might find. Many of them overwinter in plant stems, so bamboo sounds like a good material, if it is not varnished or treated with chemicals. Might as well try it out for this year and see if you get any tenants.
Weeds are just plants with enough surplus will to live to withstand normal levels of gardening!--Alexandra Petri
As the graphic warns about parasites, I think it would be best to spread out tubes or whatever hole-containing materials you use, rather than have a lot of them concentrated in one place. This would minimize the spread of parasites and diseases. A block of wood with a few holes, or a small bundle of bamboo, would probably be fine.
Note that the article mentions bamboo as not being a good material for bee houses because it it waterproof, doesn't breathe, and can trap moisture and invite mold etc.
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