posted 12 years ago
Hello all
This is definitely way off topic but I have no idea where else to get some IT help. I have to say that this is the most helpful site that I am aware of. I am registered with youtube and have been for some time. Ive never posted any videos on there. I have noticed just recently that when I have left comments there, that I am coming up as another user, and have been for some time, without noticing. I have a vague recollection of following a link of the person I am coming up as, but Im not completely sure. I have tried a few things to correct this but have been unsuccessful. I cant see a way to contact the other user and let them know, and there is no facility to contact youtube. I have tried changing my password but Im still coming up as the other person. Im worried about this, as this is an error on youtubes part and I dont want it to appear that this is intentional. Does anyone have any suggestions? Ive thought about closing my account but then it will probably be their account that will close. Will this be preferable to posting in someone elses name? I think maybe. The thing is that my thoughts will almost certainly be different to the thoughts of the other person.Im just thinking that lots of people here use youtube, so may have an idea to help with my dilemma?