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Shenanigans of the sheep and wooly sort.. And many more..
Papa always says, "Don't go away angry... just go away."
Pecan Media: food forestry and forest garden ebooks
Now available: The Native Persimmon (centennial edition)
Dan Boone wrote:Because if you only ask the people with boobs, and do not ask the people without boobs, some of the people you ask will treat the question as evidence that you are a sexist bastard rather than an efficient interviewer.
Owner, Etta Place Cider
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Ann Torrence wrote:
However, there really is no need to ask, just observe. People with the cleaning instinct will pick up a sponge or rag without being asked. They can't help it. Applaud them, fawn over them, make their efforts seem worthy and appreciated. Then pick up after yourself so they can keep cleaning-you do have to clean up before they deep clean. And stay out of the way with your muddy boots.
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Jessica Gorton wrote:I would say that it is very difficult to parse the difference between learned cultural traits and actual gender differences (your "booby magic"). Who are we to say that raised in a entirely different way, that men might not have magic dirt-spotting abilities, and women unable to see such dirt or understand its import? Until multiple peer-reviewed behavioral studies are done on the topic, I'm not sure we can claim to know the answer to that one way or the other.
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Jay C. White Cloud wrote:Hmmm....gender or culture....hmmm?
I say mainly culture...but then again I was raised almost solely by either women, and/or Asian and/or Orthodox folk...
Who in the name of the Creator doesn't clean out their compost pail at least once a week??...more than that is disgusting...![]()
Nerds be nerding...
Shenanigans of the sheep and wooly sort.. And many more..
Papa always says, "Don't go away angry... just go away."
Dave Burton wrote:I do not think it is only gender or culture, but it may also depend on the type of profession a person has and whether they carry that work ethic into their personal life. For example, many professions that rely heavily on precision and the purity of their experiments (e.g. chemistry, biochemistry, biotech) require strict levels of cleanliness and order to ensure accurate results and the safety of the workers. Because such professions require this of their employees, they will hopefully have learned how to identify contaminants/messes and how to properly clean them up.
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J.O.T, DYI level 7.5, Maker of stuff and curmudgeon in training
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"You must be the change you want to see in the world." "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi
"Preach the Gospel always, and if necessary, use words." --Francis of Assisi.
"Family farms work when the whole family works the farm." -- Adam Klaus
Moderator, Treatment Free Beekeepers group on Facebook.
For clarity`s sake! I was not, nor have I ever been, insulted or offended by the mentioning of magic or boobs, least of all when one is used to describe the other in polite conversation between near strangers. I found it refreshingly real, really truly! My past experience is that people want to side skirt the realities of magical boobies, and when one can not talk honestly and openly about such topics, I feel more offended.
Prior to coming to Wheaton Labs, I had spent the year volunteering and working on various homesteads, ultimately cooking and cleaning up messes all across the country, and by the time I arrived in such a male-dominated environment as it was back in July, I was jaded and exhausted, and expected much of the same. After a year of feeling devalued and overlooked, I began to question my own worth. In every instance, the manual work was given priority, and the fact that dinner was on the table and the kitchen was clean was of little importance as the `men`talked about their heroic efforts of the day, quick to retire to the couch or whathaveyou without showing thanks or care for my effort.
(Jocelyn was wonderfully validating, and so I did not feel this burden as much as I had in other places)
I do not want to play the unappreciated mother role for grown people, and I do not want to simply `maintain`a home for my own sanity`s sake. I opted to work on the Wofati whenever I could over house chores, for the rewards were tangible and there was a sense of comradery; a feeling of purpose that I never felt after a day in the home.
Both Jesse and I are eager to visit again should we be welcomed back
Love you Paul! (and also, please resist censoring yourself through buffering yourself with others. It was a wonderful experience to have you welcome us into your home. If you are hiding your self, then a thriving, healthy community can not be established at Wheaton Labs, as honest communication lays the foundation.)
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
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Eva Taylor wrote:So I just finished reading both this thread as well as the "paid positions for 2015" and thoughts of the Hugh Howey Wayfinder series I just read came up again and again.
In this series of short books, he takes you through the various ways we give up our own free will to the instincts and default responses we carry from a time where we needed to run from danger often, and our tribe was necessary for our survival. Flight or fight is one automatic, mostly unconscious response, but one other he brought up was called theory of mind.
Evidently a very large portion of our brain exists solely for figuring out what others are thinking. "theory of mind" refers to our inner dialog of: What do I think of you, what do you think of dirty people, do dirty people like you more than jocelyn? Does everyone get offended by your use of the term magic boobies? All of this occuping our daily lives far more than I ever realized. The purpose for this reflex assessment of what the people around me are thinking is to create and maintain cohesive social groups. It seems that the structure for the transition towns works with this premise a lot- if you don't like what's happening here, you can choose to go somewhere else. The number of people for projects are dictated by whomever shows up. Therefore I'm gonna try to think of things everyone wants to do...
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