How it works:
I start the promotion in a forum (usually monday night or tuesday morning). People post to that forum. At the end of the promotion (usually sometime on friday) I run a program that shows me 10 random posts from the forum. I pick the four best posts.
I then email the winners and they MUST reply within 24 hours with their snail mail.
Any post in the forum being promoted counts, except for the
thread introducing the event. So, staring a new thread counts. Commenting on a new thread counts. Commenting on a thread that is three years old counts. Posts in other forums don't count.
A person that posts ten times during the promotion is ten times more likely to end up with a book/dvd/pie than a person that posted once.
And, don't forget, when I see the ten random posts, I will pick the best four. Good questions, good answers, good stuff. Posts that are pretty empty will be ignored.
- For each book promotion, I plan on emailing the folks on my daily-ish email at least 24 hours before any mention on twitter or
facebook or anywhere else. Because I like the daily-ish email the best, I want to give these folks a head start.
- You all are welcome to post it to facebook, twitter, send email or whatever you want to do. In fact, I encourage it. In fact, that's kinda what I'm hoping for by doing this.