A few years ago I was headed the right direction with this field. After four years of neglect it’s back to broom sedge and goldenrod. The first picture demonstrates how bad it looks now. The next few are how it looked after some work. It’s just me and my weapon of choice (last pic). I’m collecting humic acid and wood ash. It needs them both badly. This is going to be a lengthy project so I’ll update as things change for the better.
Thanks Trace. With the exception of no power tools things should be ok. Broomsedge may be the worst chop and drop on the planet but that’s exactly what I’m using it for. The soil is actually in decent shape. That is a huge surprise! The swales are still there but need some help. Put my first bucket of wood ash on it today!
Thanks Stacie, will do. I’m not sure how much I learned turning it around last time. I have learned a lot since then though. This is how I’m collecting my humic acid. I wish I’d have made a bigger collector now. Next time I will.
Regards, Scott
All of the following truths are shameless lies - Vonnegut