Been planting chestnuts yesterday. They were 7 one year old locals grown from seeds. They have gone into a widening sloe thorn hedge. The sloe protects them from too much wind and hogs. There were two big old European (i guess) Chetnut
trees we noticed.
The chestnut trees this topic is about are probably 100 to 200/300 years old. One is standing solo, the other one has neighbors higher than itself.
Both of them do the same thing. They have grown next to the main trunk, another trunk, which climbs up very high.
Why this behavior? Is it replacing the mothertrunk for a new trunk?
In the case of the shaded out tree, i can imagine it want to sent something up which is thinner but higher than the original,like if it wants to catch light higher than the neighbors. The neighbors are hornbeam, so they will be cut to provide light to the old chestnut. But the solo tree is doing exactly the same thing...
I don't want to rush in and do something reckless. I can imagine cutting the new "shoot", but maybe somebody knows why this behavior occurs. Maybe i
should just let nature have it's
course and leave the new shoot be..