The `dry' side of the embankment should be regularly inspected for danger signs such as unaccountable wetness, or water trickling through or under
the dam.
Immediate steps should be taken to remedy the problem. If the flow seems to be increasing before remedial work can be put in place, it is strongly
recommended that the pond be drained. Provided that the seepage rate was small, it is probable that no permanent damage will have been done to the dam
structure, the problem having been resolved by draining the pond. The area of the pond in the vicinity of the leakage points should be treated by cleaning
out any deposits containing plant growth and a layer of clay some 2" (approx. 50 mm) thick should be `puddled' over the area to seal it.
It would also be a wise precaution to seek the advice of an expert as to the correct course of action.
Puddling should be done with a type of clay which becomes impervious when worked with sufficient water to form a stiff `dough like' consistency.
The material is then spread and pressed (puddled) over and around the area through which the water appears to be escaping. If the puddling is allowed to
dry out, it may crack and lose its sealing quality.
Trees should not be allowed to grow on or close to a dam as their roots can disturb and loosen the structure, leading to leakage; neither should any dead
roots be tolerated, as,when rotted, they can provide water channels through the dam. There is also the possibility of a tree blowing over, taking the dam with it.
John Daley Bendigo, Australia The Enemy of progress is the hope of a perfect plan
Benefits of rainfall collection
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