Erin Manley wrote:D,
Thank you for taking the time to share all of that! It’s much appreciated! I’m hoping my degree will at least give a foot in the door since my agricultural experience is lacking.
I’ve been interested in skoolies for a while now and think something like that is a great suggestion!
I’ll keep everything you said in mind when I’m looking at option!
Are there any specific red flags that I should keep in mind? I’m also mildly concerned about my safety in woofing/helpx, do you have any words of wisdom in this department?
NP; sorry for the wait; moved the tinyhouse away from the
solar array to start a mudroom, and when I moved it back the sun vanished just when I needed to charge my batteries! Finally got a bit of juice for the laptop today..
RE: skoolies, if at all possible I would suggest buying someone else's failed
project, something at the point where you can see how bad the work will be. I spent a LOT more time on my 20ft bus than I intended, all the problems were well concealed behind factory panelling..
My 20'er was a perfect fit for many places. It is a single rear wheel E350 with a bus body the same width as the cab; the extra width of a dually would have kept me out of at least a couple places.
Doing it again, I'd probably put a box truck at the top of the list, something around 24ft total length, but a shortbus skoolie would work fine. Juuust
enough extra living space to make a big difference vs the ~13ftx6.5ft that I had.. but I sure wouldn't do a 40' fullsize skoolie unless I was specifically planning on an area with lot of wide open spaces; here on the west coast, *very* few places that I went would have been accessible!
RE: specific red flags, what I should have been watching for was basically farms that were not on any sort of trajectory to function as a self sustaining unit, due to a management system best describing as optimistic flailing. This is not to say that this is what you will need to watch out for... my hope in advocating for short stays is that a few of those will inform your criteria for a longer term arrangement much better than my advice could!
RE: safety, I believe I was safer traveling and helpxing than living/working on the outskirts of a modest sized city. The only times it felt sketchy in terms of people was when I was in or near a city; I made a point of NOT sleeping in a city.
I had some sort of creature stalk me while hiking down a mountain in the dark, and I damn near got swept out to sea by a rogue wave... but I had zero issues with people. Oh, and I blew up a power transformer. Protip, get a backup camera. In my defense, some dummy painted it fog grey, and it was hella foggy..
I was alone with no cellphone, and nobody knew where I was. OTOH, I'm male, able-bodied, and I keep a knife on me. So, my risk profile is a bit different. Still, can't say my safety advice for your scenario is any different than I would advise for any other lifestyle..
1) Listen to your gut, and leave if something seems off. Have the resources to do this, IE, keep your vehicle in good shape, and have the money to get it fixed and/or towed if something comes up.
2) Have the mindset to assert and defend yourself, and the means to do so. If you don't have the former, the latter is no use, and you're better off with just a phone.
Self defense/martial arts training, with the right dojo, is an all around excellent thing. Most places give a free starter
class, check some out and see what you like!
I took Yoshinkan Aikido for a couple years, until I moved to a place where there is none. Loved it. Deeply regret that I didn't do it many years earlier. It is mostly about redirection, a proactively defensive
art.. this was a good fit for me, I have enough aggression built in that I wasn't seeking an
art that emphasizes this mindset. If you are a bit more hesitant, a more offensively focused art might be a great balance.
I don't believe or want to imply that you're very likely to need anything beyond item 1.. but IMO it's like fire extinguishers and car insurance, something one should do as a matter of course.
Hopefully I haven't preached too much, hope you'll let us know how things progress!
PS: I'm pretty sure there is a forum rule against mentioning pets without posting a pic..