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You will just "Dig" this Desert Permaculture Project in Texas

Posts: 289
Location: Calhoun County, West Virginia
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Hi to all,

Summary: This is a call for project submissions for Permaculture Projects in Desert SW Texas which may contractually result in your ownership of the land upon which it is built. In short, a "work for your land" project.

Mike here. I own three properties: 5 acre, 5 acre and 22 Acres in the Chihuahuan Desert (trans-pecos region) of Southwest Texas. I will be returning to my various projects and plans, left undone since 2007 effective this November 15th. I have recently come to a decision that I want to engage several individuals, small groups or familes by offering a "work for your land" opportunity with the following parameters:

(1) I am as of today 6/24/12 seeking proposals for Permaculture projects
(2) To create underground ecologies beneath the surface of the Chihuhuan desert which can include any major ecosystems with particular emphasis: salt water marsh, fresh water ecosystem, cool rainforest, tropical
(3) Which come as close to self-sustainability as can be made possible
(4) With significant but not total emphasis on food production
(5) And protection/cultivation/conservation of beneficial small vertibrates and invertibrates which help to stabilize said systems
(6) Which are off the grid projects
(7) Constructed of at least 51 percent recycled materials
(8) With said projects being virtually undetectable at the surface (eye) level and unobtrusive and unobstructive to surface animal life.
(9) Which do not qualify as traditional abodes or human housing and defy classification as such
(10) But which may be comfortable environments for humans to occupy
11) Projects may be done separately (stand alone projects) or with consultation and coordination with other teams and their projects (certainly recommended but it is not a manditory condition to allow competing philosophies of "sustainabiilty" to flourish unfettered.)
12) Successful completion of the individual or team's project, by their own criterion, will result in an agreed-upon parcel of land being titled to the individual so named in 10 years time from the first day of approval of the proposal, aproximately 1/1/2023.
13) Titled land not to exceed 2.25 acres.

What is this all about? I am interested in engaging a number of individuals, families or teams (we would have to arrive on a definition of what a "team" is) to construct subterranian green spaces in which life thrives, even in the severe heat and limited rainfall of the Chihuahuan Desert. I myself will be attempting to rehabilitate the surface of the properties (my own passion) which have suffered 300 years of degredation from Cattle, sheep and feral livestock,as well as the introduction of the voracious weed invader creosote bush and to slowly and carefully improve soil quality, permeabiilty, humus content and introduce/reintroduce appropriate plant and animal species. Your project is a demonstration project, a different and bold take on the "Greening the Desert" idea, however starting with the idea of an underground environment which is as much as possible impervious to extremes of temperature but nevertheless interacts with the surface. You will determine the parameters of your success and this will be codified in your proposal , the acceptance by me as the owner/landlord/Project head will result in a lawful contract in accordance with real estate laws in the State of Texas. Complete the project in accordance with your own standards and I will title the land to you. Please consult various "How to Write a Proposal" websites, which break down the various aspects of the proposal. Emphasize quantitative measurements and outcomes, as opposed to inspirational writing. Communicate with me by email at mikeeeebx@yahoo.com with a summary of your idea and I will provide you some more details and logistics of the sites, if we can hash out the foundation concepts of your particular project, you can confidently go ahead and begin to develop your proposal. I would like to be able to consider all completed submissions by 1/1/13 and no later. Submissions should be double spaced and mailed, certified. If I have an inusfficient number of proposals, who knows, I may increase the amount of land to be titled by the most capable entity who submits their proposal, completely and on time. I look forward to hearing from you, best of luck and feel free to ask any questions. Michael L.
Michael Littlejohn
Posts: 289
Location: Calhoun County, West Virginia
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Addendum: I will show the properties to whomever is interested either the 2nd or 3rd Saturday of November 2012. Location 1: Pecos, Texas, Location 2: Pecos Texas Location 3 Pecos Texas Location 4 Pecos Texas, Location 5 Presidio Texas, Location 6 Presidio Texas.

Thanks again...Mike L.
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