Day 3
Three photos of the project
I had an older pile of stumps/dirst so I considered this prehugeled and pushed onto the end of the pile
A photo of the soils on.
A photo of the hugelkulture.
I read 7 feet was better than 6 feet high, so i figured 9 feet is better than 7 feet.
Not that I follow instructions that well. like when the dishwasher is out for the third time and the mrs says
should I call the plumber? Why would I pay the plumber 90 bucks an hour to read the instructions I usually grumble as i start to open the instructions... Doesn't explain why the neighbors dog howls when the garbage disposal is turned on though. Anyway forgive any errors you see in the construction of the hugel.
I am looking for suggestions for planting in the spring.