Yes, I kow what you mean, Jeanine. The pipe handle will make it easier, just not any faster. I was actually thinking about putting
solar tiles on the well roof and installing a little electric pump because my water level is only about 3 ft below ground. That's probably little much though. Especially in the middle of crop season. Your right about using it once in a while. I keep a small canteen handy to prime it when I need water after some hard work. It's the best water on earth. Just pour a little in the top of the pump and let the leather seals expand.
Part of the trick with these is to be sure the seals are not TOO tight so the water seeps back into the well, otherwise the water will stay in the pump too long in the winter, and it CAN freeze. If you use your well regularly for houshold water too, however, the water level is constantly moving up and down inside the well
casing, and that's not likley to freeze. For those of us without running water nearby, this is handy.