I've recently had a LOT of
wood (at least for my garden size),and so, instead of buying a car to haul it somewhere, or burn that wood, I decided to just bury it. As I keep learning, I also buried some nitrogen rich material (but probably not
enough), as well as threw
pee in it, and left-over oyster
mushroom mycelium.
There is a spot which is a but sloppy, and I wanted to make some little terrace there, to slow down
water, and experiment with relief modification. Now that I've mostly finished, I think I might have added a bit too much material on top of the slope; and I don' have much dirt/bought soil left to use.
Is the current slope too harsh, AKA will rainwater wash it over, will it crumble all over and destroy my beloved herb garden ?
And if it happen to be too sloped, what can I do to correct it, beside adding more dirt ?