Hi, folks..
I'm considering buying a Cool Bot and building a small walk-in cooler. I guess my plan would be to reassemble a repurposed, commercial walk-in cooler.. probably set it up in the back of my barn.
My question is has anyone here used a Cool Bot in a scenario that resembles what I'm describing in a particularly cold climate? My barn is entirely uninsulated and w/o heat. I understand that I would have to further insulate any cooler panels that I intended to use. I guess my concern is whether or not a Cool Bot and/or residential AC unit can function under extremely cold conditions. I live in Northern Minnesota. We see temperatures at or around -30 degrees F during winter months.
Is it crazy to think that this would work? I thought maybe I would build a small, insulated box around the AC unit and leave an
incandescent bulb burning inside to keep the AC above freezing..? I understand I would have to vent it as AC units need to be allowed to vent.
Curious what other folks think.. thanks for your time!