So, we have a 5’x8’ mound made of rotten
wood, leaves, unfinished
compost, topsoil, composted horse manure and maybe some other stuff that I’ve forgotten about.
Last year we grew sweet potatoes in 1 half and watermelon in the other. This year, there’s corn, beans and squash planted throughout the entire thing, but there’s a clear line halfway through the bed where everything looks stunted. The plants on the side we grew sweet potatoes on last year are all about 1/2 the size of the other side right now. All were planted the same time, watered the same amounts and fertilized the same time. What would be the cause of this? Im wondering if sweet potatoes suck something specific out of the soil, but I read they are not heavy feeders.
There also seemed to be a yellow jacket nest somewhere in or under that half of the bed last year, but I couldn’t aggravate them
enough to come out so I’m not sure how big or where the nest actually is.
Any advice is appreciated! Ill add a picture tomorrow if I remember.