My partner and I recently bought some
land, and even though we're not able to move there quite yet, we've tried to get a head start on a few projects.
One of them is getting the garden plot ready. The previous owners had their
raised bed garden in the same spot, but no one has lived at the property for at least 5 years, so everything was overgrown with grasses and brush. We fenced it off and made it into a summer camp for our friend's pig, who has been rooting and digging for the last couple of weeks. The area is pretty large and so far the pig hasn't even got round to digging it all up (almost there though!). I don't have photos of it on me but I can get some if it would help. We've had a relatively dry summer, so the soil hasn't turned to mud, there are no big holes to speak of - generally speaking it looks like Mr Pig is doing a fine job.
What we're wondering about is what steps to take next. I have been reading posts here & elsewhere recommending to follow up with
chickens to even the soil out, eliminate weeds and bugs. I'm not sure if we will be able to do that - is the next best option for us to rake it evenly? We're trying to only use human or animal power.
After that, what about the winter? We are in Maine, and in the next few months temperatures will drop and we will start to get snow and frozen grounds. What would be recommended to overwinter the area successfully? A thick layer of mulch/woodchips, or will the pig manure be
Any comments or suggestions on the topics are appreciated! We are still somewhat new at this :)
Thank you and much love!
coastal Maine - zone 5b/6a