I usually overshoot the right time for starting tomatoes.
I get excited for the process around now, as things get cold, but I get distracted.
If I started now, the tomatoes would become tall , spindly and weak before it was time to plant the out.
enough indoor light to grow tomatoes beyond their earliest stages is cost prohibitive.
Has anyone planted a hand full of starts, pinched the tips to encourage branching, and harvested the resulting plants for cuttings?
I'm thinking of it as keeping the plant at seedling state because seedling is the only state we can properly care for.
When spring actually rolls around, you could have an army of prepubescent clones that you could send forth in waves.
I don't know if this is at all realistic, but it appeals to my ideals of not wasting, it would limit how much seed you needed, and it addresses the problem with my wandering attention.
If a plant is ignored and gets leggy or bushy, it becomes a resource, not a problem.