I have tried to overwinter container grown tomato plants, but never did anything with suckers/clones.
The biggest problems I had was getting it sufficient light (it was in a big pot), keeping it warm enough (again the pot size was a problem because of space) and spider mites. They attacked the newest growth, of
course. Keep in mind, I tend to do things like this half-heartedly, thinking if it works...great. If not, no big deal. Maybe I will make a better effort this year & take some "clones" off of the Jet Star & Cherokee Purple plants. They are really doing well, and weren't the "Bonnie" brand.
I also planted Celebrity (which were
Bonnie plants, probable carriers of "the blight") they seem to be doing fine, but are determinate varieties. I prefer interdeterminate because of our long growing season. I currently have more than 50 ripening tomatoes on the vine, with 60 more days of growing season to go (hopefully, no early frosts. I hate early frosts!) So we'll see what happens!