This year, I want to expand my garden, but I'm pregnant and due in mid May which is smack dab in the middle of planting/ growing season here in Missouri zone 6B. What low maintenance crops would you suggest for this year's garden? I expect to not be able to do any planting from mid-May until the middle of June or beginning of July. My husband will be able to do a little maintenance like watering or harvesting, but I'm not expecting him to do much since he'll be busy with other projects on our homestead.
I'm already planning to plant lots of potatoes and sweet potatoes and
enough tomatoes and peppers for fresh use (maybe just a bit extra for friends and family if I don't have the time or
energy to preserve them) and use lots of mulch to reduce hands on time. I'll also try to put a couple tomatoes in buckets on the porch so they're easier to access. Any other suggestions?