Hi everyone. Looking for some tips with elderberry jam. I’ve tried to boil them and smash with a potato masher and run them through a strainer but it wastes a ton of fruit pulp. The pulp does a good job jamming on its own but that makes it so the seeds won’t separate.
What techniques are you using that separates the seeds?
I run elderberries through my omega juicer, a vertical auger model from ten+ years ago. It removes the seeds, stems and skins and lets everything else through. I end up with a very thick, smooth liquid. Works well for jam, syrup, vinegar.
Jan White wrote:I run elderberries through my omega juicer, a vertical auger model from ten+ years ago. It removes the seeds, stems and skins and lets everything else through. I end up with a very thick, smooth liquid. Works well for jam, syrup, vinegar.
How would you go about making elderberry vinegar? I've always wanted to try making vinegar, and this year we're putting two elderberry plants in the ground :)
Year 4 of gardening. Orchard is happy, grass needs a goat. And the garden is about to get swallowed by surrounding trees.
I'd appreciate it if you pronounced my name correctly. Pinhead, with a silent "H". Petite ad: