I've devised a simple method of converting a stump to a
rocket stove.
Using a chainsaw with a long bar, plunge the nose strait down. Then dig a hole beneath soil depth at whatever spot is easiest, lowest on a slope or toward the prevailing wind. Do a few plunge cuts horizontally to meet with the chimney. A fire in the lower cut will naturally find its way to the chimney. The stump could be allowed to burn out or fires could be snuffed after each use if a stove is valued more than the removal of the stump.
Wood is a good insulator so a stove like this will work well once the first fire dries out the core.
Anyone who has burned out a hollow stump can attest to the huge increase in burn rate once the fire perforates the side of the stump, thus allowing air flow. This is natures
rocket stove.
I believe this is the fastest way yet to create a rocket stove for outdoor cooking. Two flat rocks may be needed, one for a
feed door damper and one as a snuffer and rain cap. Cook flatbread on a chunk of slate.
Not advisable during fire season.
Not advisable if you are on peat, muskeg or other flamible soil.
Don't try this in the livingroom !!!
Photo to follow. I need to find a suitable stump.