Matthew Hammell wrote:
Lets say you have forrests of the stuff, enough to feed all the people and animals with plenty left over
I think you still would want to put this to the higher use value of human/animal food. Such as: selling it as food, giving it away to increase your social capital, community kitchens, medicine.
The sky is the limit if you're still putting it to such a high order use. I seriously doubt you could come to an "end" of the uses.
When you put it
underground, unless you have no other options (that would include all other sources of carbon ... including potatoes and other high-carbon things you can grow much more rapidly than new cacti), that cactus is put to a function that is very low (building soil).
That's where Greg is coming from when he tells you it would be a pity to put it underground in nearly every case imaginable.
But in the end it's your cactus and you can do with it what you want.
all the best,