I am also in a "cold tropical" setting where things don't always make it (9b), but I always hear sleep, creep, leap and think of passionfruit (occasionally other vines, but mostly passionfruit. It's like kudzu: don't blink or it will take over your entire
I find the weather lately has been really odd, and things I know how to grow are suddenly taking forever or are just out of season (exhibit a: okra. I planted it at least 5 times at the start of summer. The ones that didn't die or get eaten just stalled til the end of summer. It's mid fall and I am getting okra now. Same with the pigeon peas, which spent all summer doing nothing, suddenly are 7 feet tall, but still haven't made flowers and we are expecting maybe frost this weekend. What the heck.)
To be honest everything I try seems to be different every time. I just keep throwing things in the garden until something starts giving me food, and I keep things at least a few seasons just in case they're saving up to do a leap of their own next year. (Hey plum tree, I'm talking to you, better get your act together before you get replaced!)