I decided to start a makeshift "kitchen garden" close to the kitchen using a spare plastic tub I was going to recycle (previously used for home brewing beer). I am not sure about plastics overall, I'd imagine I will get cancer anyway, I am not a fan of them in general, especially microplastic, but oh well.
Anyway onto the main point. I sowed these basil seeds at the same exact time, the two in the pot, and the three plants on the right of the tub. The pot was placed roughly at the back end of the tub, so they all got about the same amount of sunlight each day, save for the 30 minutes or so where the roof slowly exposes sunlight to all plants one after the other, that is negligible. The pot got basically the same amount of sunlight as any of the three tub plants.
Why in the world are the two potted basils growing so much faster than the other three in the tub? It's the very same soil, been checking
water daily and the moisture content is about the same. The tub has many holes drilled in the side for aeration.
Any ideas?