I currently have a few internship opportunities on my 27-acre paradise non=profit farm & educational centre, Appalachian Institute for Mountain Studies. 100-tree mature heirloom fruit orchard, 2000 variety seedbank, heirloom subsistence maincrop garden,
medicinal herb gardens, food forest (the whole place is basically a food forest), rock-terraced Daoist Tea Garden for World Peace, 13 springs/3 creeks, adjoining 18000 acres of National Forest in the second most diverse temperate rainforest in the world. I'm looking for true plant lovers who are experienced gardeners and want to take their plant knowledge to another level. Large ethnobotanical library, beautiful river to swim in, etc. I've worked with Appalachian and Cherokee and other Indigenous elders for 25 years. I call what I do subsistence smallholder gardening-foraging.