God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
Steve Blair wrote:Oi! Horiz. and vert. feeders together = worst idea ever.
Insulating the feeder couldn't hurt I suppose...
I may have to build one with fire brick - I actually have tons of it.
God of procrastination https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1EoT9sedqY
Weldon Carter wrote:Finally here are some pictures of my garage rocket turned outdoor party rocket heater.
We are having a halloween party Friday and it's supposed to be colder than hell so we'll get it stoked up really good and have the fam let me know if it's a keeper.
I am thinking that I am going to cut barrel in half at the bottom and redo the crappy insulation job and go woth a 6" duct lined with vermiculite or perlite or something to get the most bang for the buck.
Listen. That's my theme music. That's how I know I'm a super hero. That, and this tiny ad told me:
An EPA Certified and Building Code/UL Compliant Rocket Stove!!!!!
EPA Certified and UL Compliant Rocket Heater