Why is pee good for the soil?
- natural source of nitrogen
What about germs? (like blood-born pathogens and poop diseases, is there urine pathogens/diseases)
- urine is sterile as it comes out of the body.
Do women have different pee than guys? our pee comes out differently, so does it pick up bacteria on the way?
- a very negligible amount, and not of the troublesome kind of bacteria anyway.
If you pee on the garden, doesn't that stay on your veggies? Ewww, I don't want to eat that!
- urine is
water soluble. Does it rain where you live? I still don't put it on leafy things, just on the ground around them.
So you put it on the compost pile. Why?
- Nitrogen. Composting can heat up
enough to kill human pathogens, if that's your aim.