Hi all,
My father in Law is a kind of character on his own.
He loves his Thai Game
Chickens and never would put one of them on the BBQ.
(Instead he takes a small bamboo stick with a sling and catches one from the neighbors, but he is now in a (mental) age we have to excuse it and pay for the loss at the neighbors)
But since I was busy in the his garden last year and wanted to (slightly) kick one of his alpha Roosters away I learned my lesson.
He was permanently around my feet and standing in the way so I wanted to push him gentle aside.
I must admit that they are not easy forgiving and sure not easy to get rid off.
He raised his collar and spread his wings and performed some real in fight "Thai boxing"...
After it started hurting and my leg had a few bleeding holes I gave way.
Once they are p*ssed off you better go inside and lock the door for a while.
My dogs are merciless when it comes to other animals but this time they were not prepared.
There were a few feathers flying but the rooster got quick the control.
Now the dogs are like every morning when we open the door happy jumping and waving the tail but all of the sudden they stop in the door frame, let the tail and ears sinking, turn around and use the backdoor.
A good sign that lunatic is in for a brawl again.
This brought me on the idea using this lunatic and crossbreed it with some meatier
chickens or better egg layers.
The Thai Game
Chicken is pretty boney, but the meat quality is exceptional good and tasty.
So I guess it could even improve the taste of meat chickens beside turning them into some BBQ warriors against predators.
My thoughts are tending to Barred Plymouth Rocks and Brahmas, which are becoming trendy here in Asia due to their size.
Has anyone here ever used Malay, Thai, Shamo or other game chickens to crossbreed them and what was the outcome?
Any info, meat, eggs, character, heat tolerance and other traits are interesting facts that many might want to know...
See and Will