Waste to energy creates plenty of
greenhouse gas emissions.
The first website you shared had emissions data.
They point out that most of what they produce is stuff like
water vapor.
Water vapor also contributes to the
greenhouse effect, but it isn't considered a greenhouse gas, because of the predictable push back.
Measuring the opacity of what leaves the stacks might be an attempt to address this.
What is not mentioned at all is particulates.
There are filters in places, but they do not catch everything.
Plus, the materials caught in those filters still must be dealt with.
A lot of these particals are nano-scale, and they have a different effect on our bodies than mere dust.
local government is only contributing waste.
The plants don't run on waste alone.
They tend to use processed
wood pellets.
The demand for this fuel has predictable outcomes.
Forests that would otherwise be left to grow are razed and the wood exported.
The process is not clean or efficient.
To make an equivalent amount of energy waste to energy creates more greenhouse gasses than burning coal.
Here is an article that makes the case against waste to energy.
It's focused on the EU, but simular forces are in play in North America :