On the humid East Coast I am not a fan of the prunus sub-family (European almond/apricot/cherry/plum/peach/nectarine). They easily get pest due to the fact that the air is
alot less humid in their
native Mediterranean habitat. I have also found the same problem with non-native grapes, and also the
apple sub-family (even the native juneberry can be a hit or miss)
My recommendation would be to select a few of the following:
Natives: pawpaw, Asian-American persimmon, concord grape, maypop, beach plum, sand cherry, raspberry/blackberry, blueberry, currant/gooseberry/jostaberry, honeyberry
Non-Natives: Dwarf Mulberry, Chicargo Hardy Fig, Jujube, Hardy Kiwi/Artic Kiwi, Akebia, Goumi/Seaberry, Asian Pear