Hi all,
I have a great passion for forest gardens, but I feel a struggle to start one.
To put my situation in perspective, I have bought in recent months hundreds of different species in seeds, and I have been growing them. But I have no place for them yet.
I live and have a
permaculture garden in Iceland. But we feel (me and my partner) that the place for it is in Portugal, our home country, where climate is much better.
However I do have plenty challenges/struggles. Such as: how I do move all seedlings from one country to another, even if I send them by post (which sometimes I do), I have no one to care for them there. I can't buy a property there yet, because I still have not
enough savings for it. Its like I must first wait here and look for properties at distance, while keeping my forest garden plants growing, but not having a definite spot for them!
I have been doing a terrible amount of effort is growing as much diversity as possible, and it is challenging enough to make sure that my plants survive the Icelandic climate. It all comes down to this: I have the biodiversity, knowledge, effort and motivation, but a property!
Can someone give some advice, if already
experience this struggle prior to commit to a property and finally start your own homestead? It has been years of my
gardening struggles, always
gardening in gardens where situation is far from ideal, property is not mine, and I end up moving and not being able to work with the forest garden/perennial concept. Often I try to share plants with a few friends, only to find people do not really take the necessary care and let those rare perennials die. Sometimes I feel I am moving hastily against the flow, but it really can't be, because my heart says otherwise.
Our projects:
in Portugal, sheltered terraces facing eastwards, high water table, uphill original forest of pines, oaks and chestnuts. 2000m2
in Iceland: converted flat lawn, compacted poor soil, cold, windy, humid climate, cold, short summer. 50m2