Hello Permies!
I've recently cleared out a bunch of ornamentals from under my grandfather oak and am now pondering what to put in. I have plans to sheet mulch the area and build up the soil. I would like to create a mini food forest, but am drawing a blank and not feeling very creative.
This tree stands in front of our house on the street and is visible to passersby. Sadly, we can't put in anything that is too unruly and wild looking. I have daydreamed about laying down gobs of moss and creating a little sanctuary with potted plants and stoneworks... but this seems wasteful in more ways than one. What
perennial edibles/medicinals would thrive in the dappled shade under this hulking tree? is there a variety of sprawling moss that would make a good ground cover? i am zone 9a-ish. thanks!
Any Ideas?