I'm looking for a PDC in South America (preferably Brasil). Sadly my Portuguese is only moderate and my Spanish is woeful, so I am looking for a bi-lingual/English course. Any suggestions would be welcome.
Katie Vass wrote:did you ever find what you were looking for?
Sadly, I didn't find any in South America but found a couple in Costa Rica, central America. I've since been trying to convince some of my permie buddies that we could increase the amount of permaculture in Brasil by starting international PDC courses and offering WOOFing but they aren't convinced there would be much demand.
It seems there is a lot going on in Brasil - i am still learning Portuguese - but there seems to be lots of links to perma people. Not sure what state you are in but check it out.
It seems there is a lot going on in Brasil - i am still learning Portuguese - but there seems to be lots of links to perma people. Not sure what state you are in but check it out.
Yes, thanks. That is a very useful link page. Unfortunately, when I contacted the various permie groups there, none were offering dual language or English in their courses. Of course, it might be different now.
It is quite hard to find people that can speak english in brazil. But I can and I know some people that does... in the south you have more chance to find educated people, and in the north things are not so easy I would say. It is a big country, so it depends on where you are. Check:
Hello, we are doing Pdc certification in Brazil in English and Portuguese (2 different sessions). Aflorestanova is located in Bahia on the coastline. We do as well Master classes in tropical agroflorestry and Permaculture foundations . Https://aflorestanova.wordpress.com
You would be much easier to understand if you took that bucket off of your head. And that goes for the tiny ad too!
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