@Jason you said :
"I have access to a couple thousand of the bags "
"canvas exoskeleton rotting and my house crumbling to the ground."
I think you have hit upon 2, of the many problems associated with earth bag construction, in that :
1.) Free Materials
Should Be Carefully Chosen !
2.) Bags are not properly bonded to one another internally & a bags external appendages ROT (
fence wire rust too , along with steel rebar ), so why choose them ?
In Rammed Earth construction, one has the desired particle bond to each other connecting particle and it is that bond, that holds the structure together internally & externally, in both a compressed, yet repelling action. That mechanical bond is therefore missed, when bags are used, no matter the amount of compression.
I would first then say to a new builder: Ask yourself why your using this chosen material ? Then work towards a time tested & known method of earthen construction.
( I might also add in that conversation they should a Georgia Adobe Ecoitecture building method, but maybe that's a better topic, for another posting ).
I hope that was of some help to you. Happy Building Bro ! :>)
Best Regards,
Joe Woodall, Ecoitect
Georgia Adobe Ecoitecture