Hi all, I have been a permies lurker for a very long time and I have learned so much! I am finally jumping in as I recently became the New Mexico distributor for the Groasis Waterboxx, and I wanted you all here to be aware of that, and also just to connect with this amazing resource of a community.
In March 2021 I planted 4
trees in Waterboxxes. Unfortunately they all got eaten down to the top of boxes that fall. They all survived and bounced back during the growing season this year, 2022. We had a horrible past spring here in Taos. It didn't rain or precipitate for 3 months and the wind was at an all time high. We have no wind breaks out here, it's just open sagebrush
land, and it was brutal. As hard as it was, I didn't
water any of the plants that had been in the Waterboxxes, for research purposes, and they all put on a lot of growth this year! I got a lot of goji berries off my little 3 year old plant.
Another tactic I'm using here is to just let everything that wants to grow here, grow (except for Russian thistle tumbleweeds! I do really admire their resiliency though). This land is in the process of repairing itself, and the more
roots we can get in the ground, the better. Of
course, I'm trying to steer the healing a bit in the direction of plants that are useful for me. Nature knows best!
I had a decent, experimental vegetable growing season this summer. I did a trial of 7 different kinds of beans, and runner beans came out FAR ahead.
Thanks so much for letting me advertise to you all on my first post! For anyone who's interested in purchasing Waterboxxes, my website is: