Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:Does the cat have its own liter box?
If not maybe that is the solution.
If the cat has a liter box, maybe keeping the coop closed would solve the problem.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Brody said, "The coop door is open all day and keeping it closed isn’t something me or the chickens are interested in!
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:
Strange that the cat would go all the way to the front to poop in the chicken house.
My cat only poops after we feed it. Before we got the litter box, it would sit at the door after being fed wanting to go out.
close the door of the chicken house with the chicken outside when you fed the cat and then open it after the cat poops.
Is cat poop in the chicken house all that bad? The cat probably saw that chickens poop there and thought that was a good idea.
Im not sure how much he goes there on his own. I’m gone all day for work and haven’t noticed him in there on his own on the weekends. But I bring him in there once in a while because its great area for him to hunt. One wall of our chicken fencing is a brush fence and our compost pile is near the coop, so plenty of mice and squirrels around. He almost got a big black squirrel last weekend!
I really dont know if it’s a big deal or not that he’s pooping in the coop. I know chicken manure should be aged before using around vegetables and trees but thats just because of nitrogen, not pathogens. Im pretty sure cat poop can have pathogens in it that needs either a long or a hot compost to make safe. I could be wrong though!
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
Brody said, "Normally I sift the chicken shit a couple times per week and add it to a compost pile with their used bedding. Should I try to fling his poop elsewhere if I find it,
Invasive plants are Earth's way of insisting we notice her medicines. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Everyone learns what works by learning what doesn't work. Stephen Herrod Buhner
Anne Miller wrote:Do you feed the cat before taking him on these adventures?
Maybe scooping out the cat poop would work for you when you see it as you are sifting/removing the bedding.
Brody said, "Normally I sift the chicken shit a couple times per week and add it to a compost pile with their used bedding. Should I try to fling his poop elsewhere if I find it,
I have no knowledge if one poop is worse than another.
Rodent poop, yes. That is just icky.
Since I changed diapers for my kids, then washed the diapers I am sure I must have gotten it on my hands at some point in time.
I have picked up a lot of dog shit and now disposing of cat poop so I feel these are just a part of life.
I don't know about your cat but mine though skinny seems to be a healthy cat with no fleas or ticks which really surprised me when her mother dropped her off. These are cats that live in the wild on their own. No one takes care of them.
I might not have felt this way before finding the forum and learning about using poop and pee to make better soil.
By the way, I have animals that regularly drop off poop on my patios, I know deer poop and I think the other is raccoon poop.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
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Redhawk's excellent soil-building series
Adam Hackenberg wrote:A big one is dangers concerning toxoplasma gondii parasite, especially concerning if anyone is pregnant, as is widely known about the parasite concerning cats, I honestly don’t know how long the life cycle is viable. Lesser known impacts are its possible ties with schizophrenia, possible cause for illness other then genetic, if your genetically predisposed you may want to become more cautious. This is a neat articles on other mental changes in particularly wolves infected becoming pack leaders. As for bacterially it’s a lot nastier then chicken manure, but all in all I’m pretty sure humans that way are fairly hardy, lots of farm cats around organic farms I suppose, I’m not sure of other parasitic side that is maybe more problemsome.
Maybe Life is always like being on a trapeze or a tightrope at the circus...
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