Ever since I stumbled upon this fine site,I've been asking the same question. My wife said we were practicing some aspects of permaculture because of our lifestyle. I guess for us it has been just doing what we felt was right with respect to the land. Whenever I read encompassing definitions like the Wikipedia entry I feel I'm trying to understand a Zen koan. One of the most famous ones being: "what is the sound of one hand clapping"?
The answer can't be found in words or thoughts.
That said this site is a wonderful "stew" of positive ideas,concepts, exchanges of information, creative suggestions, diverse conversation. Below are some notes I've jotted down on the idea of permaculture while reading various topics on permies:
Permaculture is the make up of this site.
It is about doing the right thing.
It is about the question not the answer.
It is about the revival of the Whole Earth Catalog.
It is about Nature conducting the chorus of people,places and things.
It is about getting by without the baggage of fear driven security
It is about getting it, but not necessarily right
It is about trying over and over again to get it right
It is about making the secondary digital world useful
It is about hearing,seeing,smelling the earth.
It is about realizing nature doesn't work
It's about not losing out to work
It is about a soily dirty life aging in place
It is about getting this far in these penciled lines
It's not about these senseless words
It is about a Whole Earth