Hi all i live in the Ottawa valley of ontario canada and i bought a breeding pair of kunekunes in November. When i bought them they were healthy and fine. Since its snowy winter out here i have them in a barn stall with hay/straw as bedding and i change it out every few days(i wanna do deep bedding w/woodchips but cant find supply of chips)..they have free range of a barnyard and bush access and creek access... over the first few months i started to notice my female started losing some hair on her back and her skin started to get dry. I did some research and its not lice but could be mites. I started cleaning out their stall more often and i talked to some oldtimers in my community and they suggested i start feeding her more fats and sunflower seeds for a boost of vit E so i did.. it seemed to be keeping her hair loss at bay but ive noticed as of just the past few days her skin is very flaky and dry and shes starting to lose more hair...i really dont know what else i could do and am not sure where to go from here so if abyone has anh suggestions please let me know
So one of my mentors figured out why she is losing hair apparently its due to the fact i was feeding her too much so now im going to start feeding her less and see how it goes..ill update when if things work out
Hi Elijah, Any update to this thread? Our boars just started losing their hair and I can't figure a reason also. No outward other signs of mites etc. We feed a custom blend of oats, barley, peas, sunflower seeds, twice a day. I was worried I wasn't feeding enough and just bumped them to 2lbs a day, split.
Any help would be massive!
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