Mikael Cejtin wrote:Did the burdock infusion or any of the others mentioned end up working for your son? I would love to know because I have the same issue! Thanks
Many things helped him as long as we kept up with it daily, which is hard to do. Best results in terms of external stuff I noticed from using DMSO mixed with a bit of Lugol's iodine and a bit of herbal salve made with lanolin, applied twice a day, sometimes, when I managed three times a day. It went away completely in about 2 weeks, but as we got busy and stopped doing it, it came right back.
Then we started supplementing high doses 50-100 thousand of vit D3, 15-30 mg K2, magnesium, boron in borax solution, CoQ10, and B vitamins, and even though the first few weeks it became worse, eventually it resolved to the point where he has a few flakes there and there, but no red inflamed areas. Oh yes, we also started making our vit C into liposomal version, just the jar method (no ultrasonic machine or anything like that).
I don't remember, what herbs I used in making salve, but most likely plantain, comfrey, and calendula. I don't think it matters, any anitinflamatory herbs
should do. Lanolin is important part though as it is best to protect dry lips and any dry skin as well.
I think just like any chronic disease it is caused by toxicity and deficiency combination.
Here is more from my notes about possible solutions:
"I had intense burning of the scalp and thinning hair for 9 years. I also had a chronic cough, and was exhausted 24 / 7...no matter how much sleep I got. And my acne was also way out of control. Went to the dermatologist... was told I have seborrheic dermatitis. And all the doc did was treat the symptoms with a topical steroid. But I wanted to know why I had it.... I wanted to find the trigger or cause. I did some research.I immediately started taking 1000 IU's of vit D3 with my favorite multi vitamin every morning......I saw improvement of ALL symptoms within a week... Then I upped my dosage to 2000 IU's a day. ALL my chronic symptoms are gone after 3 months!!! My scalp feels amazing after 9 years of pain and my hair has started to thicken back up. "
Most people with this are severely vit D deficient. Have your blood tested, if you can. 30-70 is considered normal, but being 100-150 is probably the most optimal. If you get over 120, ease up a bit on vit D3. Although some diseases like glaucoma and many autoimmune issues will not resolve, if level is below 125. In that case you might want to go up for a while and then slowly back down.
Sample plan to take vit d and its cofactors:
take 10 000IU (250mcg or 0.25mg)of vitamin D3 a day, more if obese or very tall, much more, if very deficient or having autoimmune disease
take up to 45 mg of Vit K2 mk4 form, divided in 3 doses 15 mg each, best a bit away from vit D
take 500-1500mg of elemental magnesium, also best divided into 3 doses
Vit A 10-25 thousand IU 1-2 times a week or less more often.
One study showed, that almost everyone with seborrheic dermatitis had blood level of D vitamin at 20 or bellow. Here is a link to a woman sharing about hers being 10, whe she started taking d3:
Some people think, that this disease is a sign of candida overgrowth in the gut, and that's why some poeple healed it by going gluten and grain free.
"I found that my seborrheic dermatitis was the result of a biotin deficiency. It was very bad ever since my 20's and kept getting worse. I started taking 2000mcg but found I needed to take 10,000mcg a day for it to go into total remission. I want to say it was very bad; my scalp would scab and my face (eyebrows, forehead, cracks of nose, and cheeks) would be very red, scaly and inflammed.That was confirmed by a doctor who studies "partial biotinidase deficiency". But once I had my genetics we were able to see it in my biotinidase genes and in a gene called HLCS! It is caused by a yeast called Malassezia that lives off of a certain type of skin oil/fat. It seems when people have a biotin deficiency will create more of that fat so the yeast thrives. " from phpenixrising forums post
Seborrheic dermatitis is vit B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency disease according to Velma Keith and Monteen Gordon book The How To Herb Book. It can also go with increased urination. B6 is found in bananas, brewers yeast,
beef, cabbage, molasses, eggs, green vegetables. If taking supplement, make sure to take it with b complex. Better to divide dose and take several times a day. Take 200 mg a day at first to correct deficiency and then reduce for maintanence. Zinc, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and biotin deficiencies can be involved as well. Take up to 200mg of biotin a day, however some people took 5000mg twice a day (sublingual form) and didn't notice any toxicity problems as our bodies easily excrete its excess. It is probably better form as it bypasses digestive system. Some people reported, that not much change occured until they took that larger amount. It may be a good idea to take manganese with biotin for best results. Experts suggest that manganese indirectly supports biotin in its healing effects for certain skin conditions (e.g., psoriasis and acne). Biotin needs certain enzymes to function in the skin that manganese helps to activate.
Possible molybdenum and manganese deficiency
"I dissolved one heaping teaspoon of borax in 8 oz. of boiling
water (borax doesn't dissolve well in cold or even warm water) and then washed my hair with it, letting it sit for a few minutes (while I continued washing the rest of my body)." comment
Mix borax with a bit of water and apply. You can add a bit of dmso for better effect.
Borax in tiny amounts can be taken internally as well. Put one teaspoon of borax into a quart jar. That is your solution. One teaspoon of this solution will give you about 2 mg of boron. Put it in your cup of tea or water or juice. At this strength there wan't be any noticable taste for most. 3-5 times a day is a usual dose.
Seboreic dermatitis is inflamatory problem, so antiinflamatory herbs can be useful-calendula, chickweed, chamomile, ginkgo, echinacea, feverfew, devil's claw, oregon grape root, mullein, marsh mallow, oats, turmeric, yucca root, wild cherry bark.