Good question, John...Why are Prairie dogs a problem? Broken bones and diseases!...Live stock generally can avoid the holes...but when they don't it is deadly. I have seen broken legs...for large stock this is a death sentence, broken horns that won't stop gushing blood, (animal trips and does a head plant...then birds of prey and carrion eaters won't leave the bleeding , broken horn site alone, eventually pecking out the animals eyes...this happened to one of my oxen, broken shoulders in horses, happened to my neighbor's horse, we had to shoot him for her...very sad! etc. I have seen holes that drop straight down for over 3 feet. Not to mention the destruction of crop
land and pasture. I personally have a dog village on a little hill side. Here in New Mexico these cute little critters occasionally have been linked to Bubonic plague and HantaVirus deaths in people. This is where the cheeky expression in New Mexico..."Home of the FLEA and Land of the PLAGUE"...comes from. Most people want to shoot or poison them, I just want to "encourage them to go somewhere else".