10 Podcast Review of the book Just Enough by Azby Brown
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Reid's BRK

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This is a test post.
Reid Robison
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BRK #1

my name is Reid. i have been in the bootcamp at Wheaton Labs for about 2 weeks. this is my first BRK post.

im going to put in effort to make a BRK that is enjoyable to read.

today the sun came through the clouds a couple times, and i took whatever chance i could to harvest some much needed winter vitamin D

the morning was spent covering insulation with red rosin paper in the solarium.

in the afternoon i split firewood. the sun was out for maybe the first 30 minutes, which was enough exposure to enjoy the sun's warm radiance. thinking about how i can refine my wood splitting method to promote good shoulder mechanics. right now im generating the momentum from my hips, which allows me the most endurance.

during a tree watering break i spotted this wonderfully vibrant stump.

since today is taco tuesday and i really wanted to make an impression on any BRK enthusiasts, i took a picture of my food (not something i usually do).

as we prepared the meal tonight, my thoughts revolved around community. thinking about different styles of communities, and what really makes community work. definitely a complex topic that i will ponder more.

i cant figure out how to put the images in the text, so they might all just end up at the bottom. ah so.

that wraps up BRK #1. i am so excited for spring.
taco tuesday
taco tuesday
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Hi Reid!

Beautiful pictures, you have a really good eye on photography! Can’t wait to see more.
Reid Robison
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this is a test post

Reid Robison
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Saana Jalimauchi wrote:Hi Reid!

Beautiful pictures, you have a really good eye on photography! Can’t wait to see more.

thank you! im happy to hear you enjoyed the photos.
Reid Robison
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BRK #2

this is me by the way

it is cold. this morning i woke up to the temperature of -17°C. this is the coldest i have ever experienced. without gloves on, my hands were numb in a matter of minutes.

in the morning i added the last support to the ramps into the new cat house

lots is going on in the solarium. ceiling paneling, insulation, and electrical work. plus the recently completed cat house project. this morning it was a flurry of ladders, staples, and sawdust.

the chaotic organization of the space infiltrated my mind. i found it difficult to focus on my task. so i spent some time trying to organize things, and make it a more pleasant area to work. considering this is the after picture, i dont know how to feel.

in the afternoon, we are celebrating "art day", which i have interpreted as "geometry day." i have used more math out here at Wheaton Labs than any other part of my life (excluding actual math class.)

last minute i decided to make a sign representing the permaculture principles. creating the frame involved a couple mistakes...mainly nailing on my boards backwards and losing my beautiful "good side." i stood there in remorse for about 30 seconds and then decided to get over it.

now for the art. i used a protractor to estimate a couple hexagons, and got to burning. there was a learning curve with the soldering iron, and Caleb noted that using dry wood would have made the process easier. anyways, below is what i ended up with. its not complete yet, but its what i could create given the 4 hour time allotment.

luckily making art allowed us to stay warm through the afternoon which i am grateful for.

now ending my day with a slightly frustrating journey to figure out this html and direct image links on IOS. luckily i have the process figured out now and future posts should come easily.

thanks for tuning in!
Reid Robison
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BRK #3

it. is. cold. looks like tonight will be the last night of extremely cold temperatures. then next week i am excited for slightly less cold but still below freezing temperature.

this morning i worked on setting up a south facing area of the solarium to fit more insulation. seems like a worthwhile investment of time, in order to burn less wood for many years after.

the afternoon was at the sawmill. making more 3/8" boards for paneling. im experimenting with my technique at the sawmill- how can i work this thing while still moving my body in a functional way? without hunching over and straining my upper back? maybe ill get some sawmill form demonstration pictures in the future.

after resisting the urge to turn into an ice cube all afternoon, i returned to the love shack to find it nice and cozy. 29°F. good thing i love to burn wood. the love shack lacks a rocket mass heater, insulation, and due to its size lacks thermal inertia. as the weather warms i expect it to be more manageable.

inspired by various fermentation projects around here, i want to gain confidence in lacto-fermentation. from what ive heard, basically anything with sugar can be lacto-fermented. so i am fermenting some blueberries.

ive been slowly realizing i would rather live someplace warm in the long term.

shoutout to everyone who reads these posts, i feel encouraged! thank you for the virtual gifts too. im sure i will figure out what to do with them eventually.
Reid Robison
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BRK #4

this morning Jeff and i finished up framing out this wall in the solarium.

i cut the last few pieces, and below is my view of the chop saw behind some green safety glasses.

ive gotten a lot of practice with the chopsaw since ive gotten here, and its proven to be useful in many situations. perfect for making a quick cut in a board, and able to make some angles as well.

we used some creativity to secure the boards to the existing wall.

now there is about 4 inches of depth to easily fit the rockwool batting. it probably took me 15 minutes to fill all of the insulation in. i found this stuff cuts much more easily than actual wool from an animal. the downside is, my arms and hands are itching all over. personally i will stick with animal wool whenever possible.

this project progressed much more quickly than expected. now we are planning how the panels will be oriented. im trying to push for something more artistic, but that may increase the difficulty of the project.

in the afternoon we made a collective effort to clean up the solarium. and wow. i love seeing a place get nice and tidied up.

i just got back from work, and next up is heating up the love shack and doing some resistance training. here are my rings, which i use for hanging as well as pulling exercises.

for those reading- what would you like to hear more about? for example, more details into the projects at work, more scenery, or information about what im doing in my free time? let me know.

have a wonderful weekend!
Reid Robison
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BRK #5

the weekend is a much needed opportunity to recharge.

for the last couple weeks, i am enjoying starting my weekend by replenishing my supply of firewood, which must fit in the 4x4 inch intake of the wood burning device in here.

kindling crackers are a new thing to me. it makes sense to hit the wood into a sharp edge, instead of trying to swing a sharp edge around trying to hit progressively smaller pieces of wood.

and here it is, approximately how much wood i use to heat the love shack for one week. i estimate the space is 72 square feet.

i made some fried rice.

includes a lot of vegetables - squash, carrot, onion, cabbage, spinach, chard, kale. topping it with kim chi too.

this afternoon ive kept in touch with my family, practiced handstands, and walked around a little.

right now im lying in bed. seems like a suitable way to spend the rest of my day. read a book, browse permies, and enjoy this warm litle shack. simple.
First, you drop a couch from the plane, THEN you surf it. Here, take this tiny ad with you:
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