Day 1 moving into the new homestead, we had a frozen septic pipe and
water back up into the basement. Yay, welcome home!
I wish to try to prevent this from happening again. I built a
raised bed garden over the top of it last fall with the hopes of adding some insulation. I planned to put in currants, gooseberries, and other shallow rooted plants into the garden.
It is early spring in Wisconsin, and nearly time to plant the currants. While the initial intent to insulate the pipe is, I think, a good idea...wondering if adding rooted plants of any kind is a bad idea. Even if the plants are known to be "shallow rooted," could they still find their way down to the pipe and cause more problems?
For context I've added a few photos of the area. The pipe garden is on the north side of the house. Thinking the currants
should do fine in part shade. Guessing the pipe is 6ft or so under the ground.
Should the pipe garden stay or go?! Currants and gooseberries okay?!