Eric Hanson wrote:Chris,
That is a great way to repurpose an old stroller. You have some basic simplistic engineering in there. I do have one question though. I noticed that you are using alligator clips to charge the battery. Is the device in any way switched so that those alligator clips can't accidentally touch one another such as in during setup? I love to tinker and utilize solar energy, but one pesky aspect of solar is that panels simply can't be shut off. They are always on and when I pull out one of my solar panels to charge up my battery pack, I have to take great care to not let the leads touch lest it short out.
This is all just a question I have about the design and I do not mean to take anything away from the device you have built. I love it!
I built it out of what I could find. The clips are the good end of an old set of jumper leads. The copper tube is the switch that I use to connect the panel to the regulator after connecting to the battery. The other way to turn the panel "off" is to throw a towel or chaff bag over it.
A normal battery charger uses smaller clips and has the same risk of shorting out.
Maybe I am just careful but I have not had any dramas using it. And it is a lot easier than running out a long power lead or trying to jump start off something else.
I have also found it useful to setup a temporary power centre as I am off grid for all of my power. All of my panels, batteries and inverters came from
scrounging. Since getting older money becomes scarce.
I am only throwing the idea out there as an easy way to handle solar panels.
I am glad you like the concept.