Hi there! I just wanted to introduce myself here. My husband and I live in a forest in Manitoba, Canada. We are located about an north of Winnipeg near Lake Winnipeg. Our
land is mostly clay with a bit of swamp.
Although I only started posted last year, I have been lurking for years. I have been fascinated with all things permies for years: frugal living, repurposing, and trying to live off the land. When we moved here ten years ago from the
city, I was excited to be able to live closer to the land. It has been a long journey but I am finally starting to learn how to garden in a forest.
For the first few years, I spent a lot of my time outside photographing all of the natural beauty. It has been the last three years that I really got into
gardening and trying to "redeem the land" as I like to call it.
I am so happy to be here and share with like-minded individuals. I am not good at this stuff but it is very fun to experiment.