I finally started getting in the tomato plants I started in itty pots. Yay tomatoes!!
I was watching myself plant them, and was kind of amused at the things I do. For one thing, I am obsessive about wearing gloves, all of my multiple skills involve my hands, I protect them fiercely. About the only thing I do with no gloves is plant. It feels disrespectful to handle them with gloves on. No clue why :D
I talk to them as I plant them. I introduce them to the neighboring plants, tell them what will be on the arbor behind them, and what will be around them. "On your right is Tommy Toe, and in a minute, you'll have Lollipop on your left, both are excellent tasting, so if you cross pollinate with them, it would be a good thing! I think there will be basil at your feet in this area."
I tell them about the soil, and the hole "Good deep hole for you so I can bury you deep! And a lot of worms right here, they will keep you company!"
I tell them about the others of their type I have grown, or what it said on the ads for them "You were seeded off the best producing tomato I had last year! I am not sure what variety it was, the marker got lost, but I hope you are as productive as your parent!"
When an area is planted, I tell all of them "Grow and be beautiful! Produce well!" and I
water them in and tell them I look forward to seeing what they do.
Does it help? Well, no tomatoes have told me to shut up yet :D
What weird things do you do when you plant?