I want to share this because it was done on a minimal budget and still seems to function perfectly.
I used to have my herd free-ranging. After two happy months, hawks started decimating my herd. [their youngsters grew and as we all know, teenagers can eat you into bankruptcy]. I lost 14 of 17.
So I had to ditch all my ideas about free-to-roam chickens, as their freedom to roam seemed to send them prematurely to the chicken heaven.
Sooo. A covered run it is. Size determined by the roof netting available. I can only find 5x10 meters [17x32 feet] roof netting strong enough.
Squeezing the free-to-range chickens into an 544 square foor was going to be difficult! The fencing cost about 300eur . Everything else - nothing.
Here are some pictures..
night roos house made of cargo palletsand roofing plates
daytime roost and chilling station made of cargo palkets
ight roos house made of cargo pallets and hay
laying house with 3 nests downstairs and a collective shelf upstairs
Whathever you are, be a good one.
It looks great! Plenty of room for the chickens to do chicken things.
They look healthy and happy.
I love the ide of having different areas for them to hang out - they have stuff to do and different places to roost. It's a lovely set-up!
There is nothing so bad that politics cannot make it worse. - Thomas Sowell
Everything that is really great and inspiring is created by the individual who can labor in freedom. - Albert Einstein
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