Unfortunately they don't make it so that the link to the search results retains your search criteria, so I can't see the list you're looking at.
I've found PFAF to be a good resource for generating ideas. (Beware that they're using UK growing zones and these aren't the same as US zones!) I'll take a list of plants from there and then do research on other sites -- Wikipedia is good for general info,
http://plants.usda.gov/java/ has good information, Missouri Botanical Gardens has a good plant finder (
http://www.missouribotanicalgarden.org/gardens-gardening/your-garden/plant-finder.aspx). You will often find that one site directly contradicts another -- e.g. PFAF might say something is
medicinal while Wikipedia says it is toxic...
Once you've figured out what you want, you can call
local nurseries to see what they have for availability, or search around on the web for suppliers, or turn to catalogs to see what they have.