I did a sketch up of the lay out.. the brown strips are the area in question. the grass is so dense that I have to do something with it this year. the area is 400 ft long by 150 ft wide (this year), pretend the red car is my
tractor. the path will be replanted with low clover, alyssum, what ever.. the space between the paths will be 20 to 30 ft, planted with fruit trees, and
perennial herbs, berries, vegetables. one area will have hop plants low
trellis, with herbs planted as companions. the benefit of doing raised on the edge is it will hold moisture into the perennial beds and it will warm faster. the field is flat, so adding some edge is another benefit. all my annual vegetables will be planted in this area. the soil has a lot of clay, so compaction is a concern. the size limits the options for the initial build. so I guess the real issue is how to set the grass back
enough to plant the annuals..