I started looking for a homestead after my divorce. Rural living had been my dream for ages, but not his. Begun studying old farming skills, traditional homemaking and animal husbandry. Took me five years to find The Place.
I have been living here part-time for 7 months and full-time for almost a year. I love everything about this lifestyle! I have no electricity, heat with
wood from my own forest, have a tiny house (200sqf), travel by bike, tend a huge vegetable garden and an orchard. Every day I think I am blessed.
But I do this alone. In the winter, I would spend weeks without seeing another human being. Permies was an enormously important source of companionship and intelligent discussions.
And that "alone" has been the breaking point. Every man I have dated has seen my lifestyle as an an impossibly hard return to a medieval life.
People think it muts be hard living without fossil fuels in a tiny home and growing your own food. That has been a pleasure! But doing it alone has been excruciating. My dad (84y) has been the only person who understands my lifestyle choice and supports me I think he has been visiting me so often because he saw I do not have anybody else.
And a month ago, the heavens saw my sorrow! I met Marcus, son of a farmer, environmentalist. Strikingly intelligent with agreat sense of humour. A soulmate.
I am in love. Please wish us luck. I know I am good at running a medieval farm, but doing it alone was crushing me.