REALLY STRAIGHT wood grain will make really straight shakes, no twists, no bends. I have some PO cedar shakes that are 30-32" long and almost 12" wide. I have some incense cedar "boards" that are 8' to 10' long. I "found" some incense cedar logs here when I moved, left by the loggers, and straight and pertty. Incense cedar is pinkish/red and I love the color but have not figured out how to make it last.
When using shakes for shingles on a roof you need a good pitch, I think it's 4-1 for starters.
I have also made shakes from really straight Doug Fir. When I am splitting my
firewood and I see that pieces are spliting straight, I set some aside to see what I can do, madrone, black oak, tan oak, even white oak. I am what you call a "wood butcher". My motto is "you can always burn it.